What comes to mind when you first hear the word- postpartum ? Imagining a mom with playful baby and a celebrating family ? Well, at least that is what I imagined till the time I experienced myself. It is surely that and more. A woman begins totally new journey of happiness and challenges as she brings a new soul to this world.
The astonishing moment we meet our baby after birth is followed with many pleasant as well as bitter experiences. For some moms, postpartum pain and discomfort might end in few weeks but for others, it lasts for months, years, sometimes even leading to lifelong lingering pains. This is not limited to those who have a C-section. I have been through so many discomforts in these months, many of which I heard for the first time in my life. Yes, I had a normal delivery and no I didn’t have complicated pregnancy. Frequently passing out, Back pains, cramps, Hemorrhoids, Hip joint dislocation are to name a few and not to mention the mental, emotional stress of not being able to go back to normal health for months. I can only imagine someone experiencing these discomforts for years.
Every mom struggles through physical aches, mental exhaustion, emotional roller coaster and needs proper care and support, mostly during her early postpartum period. She may be striving to balance out her roles at home with her new role. Understanding her and showing a smallest gestures of being there when she is not at her best, strengthens her physically as well as mentally and emotionally. I can’t stress enough the importance of positive energy, kind words and limited expectations for moms in her postpartum journey.
Like pregnancy, every postpartum journey is different. Furthermore, each child is unique in their own ways and so every parenting cannot and shouldn’t be same. But that is solely my thought.
Amidst everything, we create special memories of our child crossing new milestones each day. Seeing them smile, giggle, be curious about everything and discover life their own way makes us forget our hardships. And that is no doubt the fascinating feeling. No wonder, motherhood is sometimes frightening but the most beautiful lifelong trip to take.
To all beautiful mommas, you are all doing what you know is best for you and your babies. Don’t let anyone’s judgement about your body or discomforts or anything else put you down. To everyone else helping new moms, thank you for making her ride comfortable.
Namaskar !!!