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May 7, 2023
3:17 am
In the bright and in the dark,
I searched for love with eager heart,
But love was always here within,
A treasure waiting to begin
I looked to others for my worth,
For validation and...
February 3, 2023
5:33 pm
Sacred Wisdom: Earth’s Guidance on Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Self-Acceptance
As human beings, we tend to hold onto moments, things and people that do not serve us well. We cling to past desires...
February 3, 2023
5:33 pm
Have you ever found yourself searching for something, without even knowing what it is you’re looking for? Maybe you’ve been wandering aimlessly through the grocery store, or scrolling mindlessly...
February 3, 2023
5:33 pm
What comes to mind when you first hear the word- postpartum ? Imagining a mom with playful baby and a celebrating family ? Well, at least that is what I imagined till the time I experienced myself. It...
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